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12 reports about 800-505-3609

Received a phone call from 800-505-3609? Report here
g clarke 19th Jul, 2011+0
I answered the call, they asked for a "Mr. Hernandez" I stated (the caller) that she had the wrong number. She paused then asked me to identify myself. I replied "I am not Mr. Hernandez and thats pretty much all you need to know." She then thanked me and hung up. {I don't know if it is a collector or not but I am certain it is not a "dePt" collector. DeBt.
pnuklz 18th Jul, 2011+0
This no. keeps calling but you cannot return it. Very bizaare & annoying.
john2884 15th Jul, 2011+0
Threatened subpoena and criminal charges on saying a bad check was written 3 years ago. Looked up my family members and threatened them.
geoffrey blass 13th Jul, 2011+0
This person keeps calling my cell phone and leaving messages saying I going to be in a legal mess if I don't call back to arrange something. It's quite annoying. His extension is 105.
keith olson 9th Jul, 2011+0
calls over and over ringing about two or three times never leaving a message, just calling at all times of day
Kmarie 9th Jul, 2011+0
Kept asking for someone else repeatedly called me got extremely rude when I asked to stop calling.. Yelled at me.. No way a real business would do something like that if they ask for any of ur info call the cops I didn't let them get that far before hanging up
Arkansas 8th Jul, 2011+0
Called until service came on and then hung up leaving no message at 9:46am.
oakrep 8th Jul, 2011+0
received at 12:30 P.M
Margus 8th Jul, 2011+0
I received a call from this man with a poor English accent and he left a threatening message on my cell phone. He also called my job twice in one day harrassing me. H claimed that I had a lawsuit filed under me with the last 4 numbers of my social and that if I did not return his call, he would cause me to lose my job and that I would be arrested and that I would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in court.
Brenda 6th Jul, 2011+0
Calls numerous times. I have caller ID and will not pick up
aeromom 5th Jul, 2011+0
told my wife they were coming to where she works and arrest her
dpugh 30th Jun, 2011+0
Plusieure fois par jours j'ai des appele de ce téléphone sans que personne est au bout du fil. Je suis presque sur que ce un calle center mansaté par une assurance maladie.Car le premier appel que j'ai eu,une personne qui parlé trés mal le francais voulais me réngsegnier pour unune ass.maladie j'ai couper court depuis ce jours j'ai sans arret des apappels de ce nummero.

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